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DiNapoli. } #cs-sw-footer .cs-sw-footer-logo img { // IS LAST ITEM .hp.column.one .hp-column-one-lower .hp-column-one-lower-right div.ui-widget.app.navigation li div.bullet.collapsible:before { The Niagara Falls High School graduation rate stands at 83.5%. .sp.column.two a.more-link { } text-align: left; color: #2a2b2c; .sw-mystart-dropdown .sw-dropdown-list { #sw-info-container { } else if(!$(".sw-mystart-dropdown.translate").length && $(".sw-mystart-dropdown.header-links").length) { var manageBtn = $(".sw-mystart-button.manage").html(); GetContent(homeURL + "/cms/Tools/OnScreenAlerts/UserControls/OnScreenAlertDialogListWrapper.aspx?OnScreenAlertCookie=" + onscreenAlertCookie + "&SiteID=8", "onscreenalert-holder", 2, "OnScreenAlertCheckListItem();"); case KeyCodes.tab: }); }); $("#sw-search-input").css("width","51px"); } else { if($(".ui-widget-footer .app-level-social-rss", b).length){ } Carmel Central School District. min-height: 45px; } // FOCUS DROPDOWN BUTTON // CONSUME RIGHT AND DOWN ARROWS $(document).on('focus', '#skipLink', function () { font-style: normal; padding: 0px 20px; } $("+ " + dropdownList + " a", this).attr("tabindex", "-1"); content: ""; } display: none; } #sw-myaccount-list { color: #2a2b2c; } #hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-container .rs-photo-gallery-desc .rs-photo-caption p, } var dropdownTimer; // show school dropdown $(".sw-mystart-dropdown.header-links .sw-dropdown li a").keydown(function(e) { if(dynStyleSheet) { // CONSUME LEFT AND UP ARROWS var startbarlinks = $(top_level_nav).find('ul').find('a'); } "onImageLoad" : function(props) { $(this).parent('.sw-mystart-nav').find('ul[aria-hidden=false] a').each(function () { } $("#sw-mystart-mypasskey").appendTo("#gb-channel-list"); display: none; }); hideMyStartBarMenu(); } 482 followers . background: transparent; $('[id="channel-navigation"]').attr('role', 'menubar').find('li a').attr('role', 'menuitem').attr('tabindex', '0'); $("#gb-channel-list-outer").addClass("fixed"); } case KeyCodes.down: cursor: pointer; .sw-dropdown-arrow.rotate-arrow, .sw-myaccount-chevron.rotate-arrow { color: #2a2b2c; color: white; color: #2a2b2c; padding: 33px 0px 27px 0px; } },function(){ /* GroupEnd */ $(document).on("keydown", dropdownParent + " " + dropdownSelector, function(e) { padding: 0; Featured! 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Dianna Wilder, District Clerk. #calendar-pnl-smcalendar { .hp.column.two .ui-widget-header h1 { -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; if ($(this).parent('li').find('ul').length > 0) { } else { /* GroupBegin Subpage */ background: none; var sitenameToggle = 'true'; $(this).removeClass("open"); color: #2a2b2c; } .app-level-social-rss span { #footer-disclaimer { var dynStyleSheet = document.createElement('style'); if($(this).parent().is(":first-child")) { .global-icon .text { /* GroupEnd */ -o-transform: rotate(0deg); if($(this).parent().is(":first-child")) { } /*height: 100%;*/ if($(window).width() >= 320 && $(window).width() <= 639){ case csKeyCodes.end: } It is situated just north of the University of Texas and borders the neighborhoods of Hancock and . $(this).parents('ul').prev('.sw-mystart-nav').focus(); .ios #hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-container .rs-photo-gallery-images .rs-photo-gallery-images-list li img { ["Classroom/13.png", "Parent Portal", "https://parentportal-mhric.eschooldata.com/", "_blank"], } font: 600 14px 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif; } if ($(this).find('ul').length > 0) { Eden Central School; Green Mountain Technology & Career Center; Hyde Park Elementary School; Johnson Elementary School; Lamoille Union High School; . var settings = { 2302 lshanley@germantowncsd.org } $(this).parent().next("li").find("> a").attr("tabindex", "0").focus(); " /> }); });*/ li.sw-channel-item > a { padding: 0 10px 0 0; } }, 500); #hp-slideshow .mmg-control.play-pause:before { } } var csSlideshowDescFixed = false; color: #fdd100; #cs-sw-footer-links #terms { $("#cs-sw-footer-links").html("" + copyrightText + ""); .social-icon.false { if (e.keyCode == 13) { padding: 0px 0px 0px 59px; border-bottom: none; if(!$(thisDropdownParent).find("#cs-branded-translate-label").is(":focus")){